
Giant Microbes

Please, for the love of God....look at this. Ow, my stomach hurts. You all know what you can get me for my birthday.

(I tried to insert this as a proper link, but that didn't work. Afraid you'll have to cut n' paste.)


I am in love with these. I find ebola particularly charming.

By the by....the aforementioned comedy dates are for sure.

Sept 29, El Cocal
Sept 30, Zizanie
Oct 3, DV8

The standup world is about to get rocked....by me....no fat thigh jokes. Seriously. God, I love comedy. And plush microbe dolls.


1 comment:

Infidelia said...

Boy, howdy, do I! Did you hear the one about the guy who crashed and bled out? He's dead!!

Hm. Needs work. What about Streptococcus? That might be easier. After all...it has "cocc" right in it!!
